Unity SDK Quick Start Guide

Learn about the Unity SDK Quick Start Guide – Quickly integrate and set up the Unity SDK in your project.


This section shows how to install the CleverTap SDK, track your first user event, and see this information within the CleverTap dashboard in less than ten minutes. CleverTap provides Unity SDK that enables app developers to track, segment, and engage their users.


You can now install the CleverTap Unity SDK using the .unitypackage Unity package or as a local package through Unity Package Manager (UPM).

This installation involves the following major steps:

Import the CleverTap Unity Package

  1. Download the latest version of the CleverTap Unity package. Import the .unitypackage into your Unity Project. Go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
  2. Add the PlayServiceResolver and the ExternalDependencyManager folders. These folders will install the EDM4U plugin, which automatically adds all the Android and iOS dependencies when building your project.
  3. Ensure that the scripts inside the Editor folder are added. The AndroidPostImport script sets up clevertap-android-wrapper library for Android. IOSPostBuildProcessor and AndroidProjectPostProcessor scripts helps iOS and Android setup.

Import the CleverTap Unity Package as a Local Dependency

Clone the latest release version of CleverTap Unity SDK. The SDK can be imported as a local package through the Unity Package Manager.

Set Up the Unity SDK

CleverTap API can be accessed anywhere in your project by simply calling the static CleverTap class. No need to create GameObject with the CleverTapUnity name or attach any script. The new architecture handles the following:

  • Instantiation of platform-specific binding (iOS, Android, Native)
  • Creation of GameObject
  • Script attachment.

Use the Unity Editor CleverTap Settings dialog (Assets > CleverTap Settings) to configure your account for iOS and Android builds automatically.

Enter your CleverTap Account ID, CleverTap Account token, Region, and personalization settings in the CleverTap Settings Assets > CleverTap Settings.

You can find the CleverTap Account ID, CleverTap Account token, and CleverTap Region on the Settings page of the CleverTap dashboard.

Set your Account

Set your account configuration

This ensures that the CleverTap Post Processor scripts automatically add these settings to the Info.plist and AndroidManifest.xml files.


A new mechanism to handle callbacks is introduced. You can now add an event listener for a callback directly through the CleverTap static events. No need to set all callbacks in the CleverTapUnity.cs anymore.

CleverTap.OnCleverTapDeepLinkCallback += YOUR_CALLBACK_METHOD;  
CleverTap.OnCleverTapProfileInitializedCallback += YOUR_CALLBACK_METHOD;  
CleverTap.OnCleverTapProfileUpdatesCallback += YOUR_CALLBACK_METHOD;

This introduces breaking changes in the CleverTapUnity.cs, rendering all existing callback methods obsolete, and these methods will not be called anymore. If you still want to use the callbacks through the CleverTapUnity.cs methods, each method must subscribe to a new event listener found at CleverTap.On{CleveTapUnity_Callback_MethodName}.

The following is a sample code on how to subscribe to new event listeners with existing methods in CleverTapUnity.cs:

CleverTap.OnCleverTapDeepLinkCallback += CleverTapDeepLinkCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapProfileInitializedCallback += CleverTapProfileInitializedCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapProfileUpdatesCallback += CleverTapProfileUpdatesCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapPushOpenedCallback += CleverTapPushOpenedCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInitCleverTapIdCallback += CleverTapInitCleverTapIdCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInAppNotificationDismissedCallback += CleverTapInAppNotificationDismissedCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInAppNotificationShowCallback += CleverTapInAppNotificationShowCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapOnPushPermissionResponseCallback += CleverTapOnPushPermissionResponseCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInAppNotificationButtonTapped += CleverTapInAppNotificationButtonTapped;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInboxDidInitializeCallback += CleverTapInboxDidInitializeCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInboxMessagesDidUpdateCallback += CleverTapInboxMessagesDidUpdateCallback;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInboxCustomExtrasButtonSelect += CleverTapInboxCustomExtrasButtonSelect;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapInboxItemClicked += CleverTapInboxItemClicked;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapNativeDisplayUnitsUpdated += CleverTapNativeDisplayUnitsUpdated;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapProductConfigFetched += CleverTapProductConfigFetched;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapProductConfigActivated += CleverTapProductConfigActivated;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapProductConfigInitialized += CleverTapProductConfigInitialized;
CleverTap.OnCleverTapFeatureFlagsUpdated += CleverTapFeatureFlagsUpdated;

iOS Specific Instructions

To integrate the required dependencies and configurations for your iOS project. Use a CocoaPods Podfile to manage iOS dependencies. After exporting the project to XCode, run pod install to install them. The EDM4U plugin can automate this process for each export. Alternatively, manually install pods by running pod install in the exported XCode project. Ensure to start .xcworkspace to build the game with dependencies.

SDK Initialization

On iOS, the SDK initialization is done using [CleverTap autoIntegrate] in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method, with CleverTapUnityAppController overriding the default UnityAppController.

If you override UnityAppController, inherit from CleverTapUnityAppController or call the required CleverTap methods.

  1. Set your Account ID (Project ID), Account token (Project Token), and iOS Specific settings in the CleverTap Settings Assets > CleverTap Settings

iOS Specific Settings

Set your Account
  • Disable IDFV – Set CleverTapDisableIDFV to true to disable IDFV usage for CleverTap ID.


IDFV Usage for CleverTap ID

Starting from CleverTap Unity SDK 2.1.2, you can optionally disable the usage of IDFV for CleverTap ID by selecting CLEVERTAP_DISABLE_IDFV. We recommend this for apps that send data from different iOS apps to a common CleverTap account. By default, the CLEVERTAP_DISABLE_IDFV checkbox is cleared.

  • Use AutoIntegrate – Initializes the iOS SDK with [CleverTap autoIntegrate], automatically swizzling the application and push notification methods. To disable swizzling, set CleverTapIOSUseAutoIntegrate to false.
  • Use UNUserNotificationCenter – Ensures that notifications are handled correctly and is required whether you use autoIntegrate or not. If you implement the delegate in your own class, disable the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate from being set to CleverTapUnityAppController by unchecking the CleverTapIOSUseUNUserNotificationCenter setting. In this case, you must implement the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods yourself and call the CleverTap methods.
  • Present Notifications Foreground – Display remote notifications while the app is in the foreground. By default, this setting is false, and UNNotificationPresentationOptionNone is used. The notification is handled silently, but if it contains a deeplink, the app opens it. If you set this option to true, notifications appear as a banner or alert using UNNotificationPresentationOptionBanner/Alert | UNNotificationPresentationOptionBadge | UNNotificationPresentationOptionSound.
  1. Set up EDM4U plugin to install CocoaPods automatically. Go to Assets > External Dependency Manager > iOS Resolver > Settings. You can also install CocoaPods manually usingpod install.
Set up EDM4U plugin

Set up EDM4U plugin

  1. Open the .xcworkspace project.
  2. To enable Push Notifications, ensure to add the Push Notifications capability to your Xcode project.
  3. Build and run your iOS project.

Add Region Code

To know how to add region code for iOS in Unity SDK, refer to Region Codes.

Android Specific Instructions

To integrate the required dependencies and configurations for your Android project, follow these steps in Unity Editor:

  1. Go to File > Build Settings > Android > Player Settings > Publishing Settings > Build.
  2. Enable .gradle templates and custom AndroidManifest.
  3. EDM4U populates the Custom Main Gradle Template and Gradle Properties Template with the required Android dependencies.
Build Settings

Build Settings

  1. Make the following changes to your Android application project, if applicable:

    1. If you have implemented a custom android.app.Application class, add the following code:

      public void onCreate() {

      Otherwise, use com.clevertap.unity.CleverTapUnityApplication as shown in the Manifest below.

    2. If you have implemented a custom Launcher Activity, add the following code:

      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
          CleverTapUnityAPI.onLauncherActivityNewIntent(this, intent);

      Otherwise, use com.clevertap.unity.CleverTapUnityApplication as shown in the Manifest below.

  2. Edit the AndroidManifest.xml file in Assets/Plugins/Android to add your Bundle Identifier, FCM Sender ID, and Deep Link URL scheme (if applicable). CleverTap configuration (Account ID, Token, Region, etc) can also be specified in this file if it was not provided through the CleverTap Settings dialog:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:xlargeScreens="true" />

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

    <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" />

        android:required="false" />
        android:required="false" />
        android:required="false" />



                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" />

            <!-- Deep Links uncomment and replace YOUR_URL_SCHEME, if applicable, or remove if not supporting deep links-->
            <intent-filter android:label="@string/app_name">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
            <data android:scheme="YOUR_URL_SCHEME" />

                android:value="true" />

                <action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT" />

                <action android:name="com.clevertap.PUSH_EVENT" />

        <!-- Uncomment these lines to manually add your account configuration.
            android:value="Your CleverTap Account ID" />

            android:value="Your CleverTap Account Token" />

            android:value="Your CleverTap Account Region" />

            android:value="Your CleverTap Account Proxy Domain" />

            android:value="Your CleverTap Account Spiky Proxy Domain" />

  1. Add your google-services.json file to the project's Assets folder.
  2. Build your app or Android project as usual.

Add Region Code

To know how to add region code for Android in Unity SDK, refer to Region Codes.

Track User Profiles

Create a User profile when the user logs in (On User Login):

Dictionary<string, string> newProps = new Dictionary<string, string>();
newProps.Add("Identity", "123456");
newProps.put("Name", "Jack Montana");    // String
newProps.put("Identity", "61026032");      // String
newProps.put("Email", "[email protected]"); // Email address of the user
newProps.put("Phone", "+14155551234");   // Phone (with the country code, starting with +)
newProps.put("Gender", "M");             // Can be either M or F

Track User Events

Record an event without event data:

// record basic event with no properties

Record an event with event data:

// record event with properties
Dictionary<string, object> Props = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Props.Add("testKey", "testValue");
CleverTap.RecordEvent("testEventWithProps", Props);