April 2023

We are excited to share the April SDK changelog for our product!



Click each SDK header to view the corresponding GitHub repository for release details.

April 19

April 18

April 17

April 11

  • Added the support for CleverTap Android v4.6.9 and iOS v4.2.2 SDKs.
  • Fixed the mapping issues related to the CreateNotificationChannelWithSound, CreateNotificationChannelWithGroup, and CreateNotificationChannelWithGroupAndSound methods in Android.
  • Updated the callback CleverTapInboxItemClicked to receive inbox item click with item payload. The ContentPageIndex corresponds to the index of the item clicked in the list whereas the ButtonIndex corresponds to the App Inbox button clicked (0, 1, or 2). A value of -1 indicates the App Inbox item is clicked.
  • Added the DismissAppInbox API to dismiss the App Inbox. For more details, refer to Unity App Inbox document.

April 06

  • Fixed the issue for Web Inbox, where Document Object Model (DOM) was not loaded during inbox-selector search.

April 05

This release is being done for Android 12 targeted users.

  • Added the support for CleverTap Android v4.6.9 and iOS v4.2.2 SDKs.
  • Added the new public API dismissInbox() to dismiss the App Inbox.
  • Updated the CleverTapInboxNotificationMessageClickedHandler(Map\<String, dynamic>? data) callback. For more details, refer to the Flutter App Inbox.
    • The CleverTapInboxNotificationMessageClickedHandler(Map<String, dynamic>? data) callback is changed to CleverTapInboxNotificationMessageClickedHandler(Map<String, dynamic>? data, int contentPageIndex, int buttonIndex). The contentPageIndex corresponds to the page index of the content, which ranges from 0 to the total number of pages for carousel templates. For non-carousel templates, the contentPageIndex value is always 0, as they only have one page of content. The buttonIndex corresponds to the the App Inbox button clicked (0, 1, or 2). A value of -1 in buttonIndex field indicates the entire App Inbox Item is clicked.
    • Previously, the callback was raised when the App Inbox item is clicked. Now, it is also raised when the App Inbox button is clicked besides the item click.
  • Updated the format of native display payload across Android and iOS.
  • Updated the argument of onDisplayUnitsLoaded callback method in iOS to pass the list of displayUnits.
  • Fixed the FCM Plugin's onBackgroundMessage handler bug which was breaking the CleverTap Plugin's platform channel for sending method calls from Android to Dart platform.
  • Fixed compilation errors in Xcode 14.3 and higher for iOS.

April 04

  • Fixed compilation errors in Xcode v14.3 and higher for iOS.
  • Added support to pass the display unit array directly by streamlining the argument of the onDisplayUnitsLoaded callback method in iOS.
  • Added support for CleverTap iOS SDK v4.2.2.

April 03

  • Fixed the compilation errors in Xcode v14.3 and higher for iOS. For more details, refer to the iOS App Inbox .
  • Added the guard rails to prevent crashes for background state tasks.

  • Added the support for CleverTap Android v4.6.9 and iOS v4.2.2 SDKs.
  • Updated the name of the itemIndex parameter to contentPageIndex in the CleverTap.CleverTapInboxMessageTapped callback payload.
  • Updated the value of contentPageIndex in the CleverTap.CleverTapInboxMessageTapped callback. Previously, it indicated the clicked item's position within the App Inbox list container. Now, it indicates the page index of the content, which ranges from 0 to the total number of pages for carousel templates. For non-carousel templates, the value is always 0, as they only have one page of content. For more details, refer to the React Native App Inbox.
  • Added the support for type definitions for the event names available for Javascript.