Create Campaign


The Create Campaign API lets you send messages to your users. You can specify the audience for your message in two ways. The first option is to target people based on user events and properties. The second option is to target people based on their user ids.

For example, you can use this API to send a price drop alert as a push notification to users who have viewed a certain product in the past week. If you have thousands of products and hundreds of thousands of users, this API lets you create a scalable and targeted way to notify your users of price drop alerts.

For more information on API request limit, refer to API Request Limit.



Currently, AMP Email campaigns cannot be created using Create Campaign API.

Create Campaign API - Target User Events & Properties

To create a campaign, you have to specify the message, channel, and people to target by their user events and properties. For example, a user event could be a purchase event and the user property could be their location.

This endpoint is limited to 3 requests per second.

Base URL - Target User Events & Properties

Here is an example base URL from the account in the India region:


Refer Region for more details.

HTTP Method - Target User Events & Properties



Refer Headers for more details.

Body Parameters - Target User Events & Properties


Mobile Push Notification Parameters

The parameters in bold and marked with * provide additional functionality for creating a push campaign.

ParameterDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeExample Value
nameThe name of your campaign shown in the CleverTap dashboard.RequiredStringβ€œMy Campaign”
provider_nick_nameAllows you to specify which vendor/provider to use for your campaign. For each target_mode, you can have multiple providers integrated with CleverTap, and this parameter allows you to select which provider to use for the campaign. For example, you select target_mode = email and you have integrated both SendGrid and Amazon SNS with CleverTap to send emails. In this scenario, you can set provider_nick_name = SendGrid to send the campaign through SendGrid. This parameter is required for WhatsApp and SMS.RequiredString"Provider 1"
provider_group_nicknameAllows you to specify which provider group to use for your SMS campaign. You must use the name as added in your account settingsOptionalString"NewTestSMSProviderGroup"
content.sms.template_idTemplate ID (required for sending SMS to phone numbers of India)OptionalString
conversion_goal*Checks the end goal of the campaign for conversion tracking.OptionalObject"conversion_goal":{
"event_name": "Charged",
"property_name":"Items|Book name",
"property_value":"book name"
"property_name":"Payment mode",
"time_of_day":[ "4-0": "**conv],
"day_of_month":cks the end
"revenue_property": "Amount"
conversion_goal.event_name*Name of the goal you want to track.Required if conversion_goal is providedString"event_name": "Charged",
conversion_goal.filter_type*Filters for provided event_name
The type of filter applied in conversion tracking. For example, first_time, time_of_day and so on.
Required if conversion_goal is providedObject"filter_type":{
"event_property": "h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "Description",
"h-2": "Required/Optional",
"h-3": "Type",
"day_of_month": Campaign”"
conversion_goal. filter_type.
Event Property for given event_name.OptionalList"event_property":]
"data": {
"h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "Description",
"h-2": "Required/Optional",
Name of the event_property.OptionalString"property_name":"Items|Book name",
Operator required for property_name and property_value.
Valid values are:
exists (does not require property_value)
does_not_exist (does not require property_value)
between (requires 2 values in an array)
Provides value of the event_property.OptionalString"property_value":"book name"
Provides value of the first_time.
Valid values are:
Provides value of last_time.
Valid values:
Provides value of time_of_day.
Valid values:
[ data": {
"h-0": , rameter",
"h-1": ]
time: "HH:MM"
OptionalList of lists"time_of_day":[s]
"data": {
, "h-0": "Parame,er",
"h-1": "],
Provides value of day_of_week.
Valid values:
"data" is "h-0": "
Provides value of day_of_month.
Valid values:
"data": {
range: 0": "Para
conversion_goal.conversion_time*Denotes the period that conversions are tracked for once the campaign is published.
Accepted values:
"data": {
"h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "Description",

where, m: minutes, H: hour, D: day, W: week, M:month
Required if conversion_goal is providedString"conversion_time":"3D",
conversion_goal.revenue_property*Denotes the revenue property for conversion goal event. For example, amount, currency, payment mode and so on.Required if conversion_goal is providedString"revenue_property": "Amount"
whereAllows you to filter target base on the user events and profile properties. Send an empty object ({}) to target your entire user base.RequiredObject"where": {
"event_name": "Charged",
"from": 20171001,
"to": 20171220,
"common_profile_properties": {
"profile_fields": ed/Optional",
"h-3": "Type",
"h-4": "Example Value",
"0-0": "name",
"0-1": "The name of your campaign shown in the CleverTap dashboard.",
"0-2": "Required",

where.event_nameAllows you to target users based on an event they perform.OptionalString"Charged"
where.fromStart of date range for event needed. Value specified in format YYYYMMDD.OptionalInt20171001
where.toEnd of date range for event needed. Value specified in format YYYYMMDD.OptionalInt20171220
where.profile_fieldsAllows you to target users based on the values of their profile fields.OptionalInt"common_profile_properties": {
"profile_fields": "h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "Description",
"h-2": "Required/Optional",
"h-3": "Type",

estimate_onlyIf this parameter is set to true, the request returns an estimated reach of the campaign, which is the number of users who receive the notification when you send it out. Setting this parameter to true does not create the campaign.OptionalBooleanFALSE
async_estimateThis allows setting of the estimate_only flag asynchronously. If this parameter is set to true, it returns a request ID that can be passed in the subsequent API call.OptionalBooleanBoolean
system_control_group_includeIf the system control group is enabled from the dashboard, you can choose to use the control group for API campaigns.OptionalBoolean
control_groupIf the custom control group is enabled from the dashboard, you can choose to use the control group for API campaignsOptionalString"control_group": {
"type": "custom"
"name": "name of control group"
control_groupYou can create a campaign control group via API by specifying the % as described on the leftOptionalInteger"control_group": {
"type": "campaign"
"percentage": 5
skip_estimateToggle this flag to true if you do not want to estimate the reach. This will lead to faster campaign delivery.OptionalBoolean"skip_estimate":true
send_to_all_devicesThe flag is set to false by default. If no value is specified, then the notification is sent to the last active device. Toggle this flag to true if you want to send notification to all active devices.OptionalBooleanFALSE
segmentThe value for this key is the segment ID. The campaign is created only if the segment is processed. If you add this key, you need not mention the "where" clause key.OptionalIntegerupper_cap_for_target_segment*
upper_cap_for_target_segment*Do not send the campaign if the target segment exceeds the provided number of users.
By default all target segment users are selected.
Note: Do not provide this parameter if users_limit_overall is provided. (Minimum value is 100)
OptionalInteger"upper_cap_for_target_segment” : 500
users_limit_overall*Send only to the provided number of qualified users.
By default all target segment users are selected.
Note: Do not provide this parameter if upper_cap_for_target_segment is provided. (Minimum value is 100)
OptionalIntegerβ€œusers_limit_overall” : 250
users_limit_per_run*Send only to the provided number of users per run.OptionalInteger"users_limit_per_run":199,
send_email_to_opted_out_usersValid values are: true and false. Set to false by default. When true, emails are sent to all qualified users, including those who have unsubscribed. For more information, refer to Override Communication Preferences for Email.OptionalBoolean"send_email_to_opted_out_users":true
contentObject that defines the content for your message.RequiredString"content": {
"subject": "Welcome",
"body": "
Your HTML content for the email
"sender_name": "CleverTap"
content.titleTitle of your push notification message and web push message sent to the user.RequiredStringβ€œHi”
content.bodyBody content of your push notification, web push, email and sms sent to the user.RequiredStringβ€œHave you seen the special offer?”
content.subjectSubject of your email sent to the user.RequiredStringβ€œSubject”
content.sender_nameSender name for your email sent to the user.RequiredStringβ€œOnboarding”
content.template_nameNamespace of the WhatsApp template you want to choose. This is available in settings for all the added WhatsApp templates.RequiredString"662da022_5583_406d_9c71_428d5e3164bb:ticket_update"
content.replacementsAdd values that replace the placeholders in the templates.RequiredString"replacements" : {
"1" : ,
"2" : ,
"3" :
content.headerAllows you to attach images, videos, documents, and locations in your WhatsApp message based on the attachment type defined in your interactive template.OptionalObject
content.bodyDynamically replaces placeholder values in the body of interactive templates.RequiredObject
content.buttonAllows you to dynamically add a suffix to CTA buttons with dynamic URL.OptionalObject
content.localeThe language code of the message. To get the language code from the CT dashboard, go to Settings > Channels > Whatsapp and open any template. Click the Template tab. The template name displays the locale code in parentheses. For example, Dynamic URL (fr).RequiredString"fr" for French or "de" for German.
wzrk_cidPlatform-specific key that is required to target users on devices running Android O - can be used to determine notification channel to which a given push notification must belong.
If a Notification ID is mandatory, then the channel ID is expected. An error occurs if a valid channel ID is not received.

Note: If the channel ID is not saved on the CleverTap dashboard, then the channel ID does not work in Create Campaign API.
wzrk_bcPlatform-specific key that can be used when targeting users on devices running Android O - can be used to determine the notification count shown on the app iconOptionalInt
wqrk_biPlatform-specific key that can be used while targeting users on devices running Android O - can be used to determine which icon should be used.
Accepted values:
app icon
notification icon
wzrk_actsAndroid Action Buttons
"l"= Action Title, "dl" = Deep link, "id" = Action id, "ico" = icon resource identifier
OptionalObject"wzrk_acts": [
"l": "Action button 1",
"dl": "deep link for action button 1",
"id": "action id of the action button 1",
"ico": "Icon resource identifier for action button 1"
platform_specificThe platform-specific details for Push and Web Push notificationOptionalString
enable_rendermaxThis field helps enable RenderMax when creating a campaign via API. It is available only for Mobile Push campaigns and must be added under the platform_specific key for Android devices only. For more information about the feature, refer to RenderMax. Valid values are: true or false.OptionalBoolean"enable_rendermax": true
background_imageThe parameter to render images in the push notification for Android.OptionalString"background_image": "http://example.jpg"
notification_tray_priority*This field helps to set priority for the notification tray in android.
Valid values are:
OptionalString"notification_tray_priority": "max"
delivery_priority*This field helps to set delivery priority of notification in android.
Valid values are:
OptionalString"delivery_priority": "high"
android_collapse*User can send any string value or number to identify collapsible notification in android.OptionalString/Integer"android_collapse" : "any message or number".
ios_collapse*User can send any string value or number to identify collapsible notification in iOS.OptionalString/Integer"ios_collapse" : "any message or number"
summary*You can provide summary
about the notification you are sending to user valid only in Android.
OptionalString"summary": "Enter summary here"
subtitle*Subtitle for your notification.OptionalString"subtitle": "Enter subtitle"
large_icon*By default, the app icon appears as the large icon. The CleverTap dashboard provides an option to show other icons apart from the app icon. OptionalString (URL)"large_icon": ""
Custom KVs*You can specify it in the platform specific object.Optionalkey-value pair"platform_specific": {
"ios": {
"Key": "Value_ios"
"android": {
"Key": "Value_android",
mutable-contentTo raise Notification viewed event for Push notifications, raise the flag to "true" in the platform_specific: iOS section of the request payload.OptionalBoolean
respect_frequency_capsSet to false if you want to override frequency caps and dwell time.OptionalBooleanTRUE
respect_throttleToggle this flag to true if you want to enable throttle limits for the campaign.OptionalBoolean"respect_throttle":true
ttlThis allows setting of time to live for push notifications for android and iOS.
The subkeys for ttl are
β€œttl_type” - with input as β€œrelative” "h-1": and ”absolute”
β€œvalue” -For relative ttl, the input is an integer in minutes.
For absolute ttl, the input should be an integer in the yyyyMMddHHmm format.

More information is available here.
OptionalDepends on subkey
ttl_type: string
value: Long
For Absolute TTL -
"ttl" : {
"ttl_type": "absolute",
"value" : 202207200000
For Relative TTL -
"ttl" : {
"ttl_type": "relative",
"value" : 2880
whenWhen you want to send out the messages. Valid inputs are now (to send the notification right away) or YYYYMMDD HH:MM to schedule the messages for a specific date and time in the future.RequiredString"now"
when*Allows you to set Date, time and Delivery preferences of the message.RequiredObject"when":{
"delivery_date_time": ["20230503 15:20"],
"h-1": "Description",
"2": 0-1": "The name o",
"4": 0-2": "Required",
"campaign_cutoff": "14:20"
when.type*Valid inputs are "now" or "later" (to send it at a later time) or "recurring".RequiredString"type" : "later"
when.delivery_date_time*"YYYYMMDD HH:MM" to schedule the messages for a specific date and time in the future in increasing date order only.Required if when.type = "later"String"delivery_date_time": ["20230503 15:20"]
when.repeats_every*Number of days or weeks to be repeated on.Required if when.type = "recurring"Integer"repeats_every" : 2
when.repeat_type*Can be "day" or "week"
Note: Repeat by month is not implemented.
Required if when.type = "recurring"String"repeat_type" : "week"
when.start_time*"YYYYMMDD HH:MM" (Cannot provide past date).Required if when.type = "recurring"String"start_time" : "20220415 12:05",
when.end_by_date*"YYYYMMDD", End the campaign after provided date.
Note: Either end_by_date or end_by_occurrences can be provided.
Note: This is applicable only if when.type = "recurring"
String"end_by_date" : "20220420"
when.end_by_occurrences*End the campaign after provided number of occurrences.
Note: Either end_by_date or end_by_occurrences can be provided.
Note: This is applicable optional only if when.type = "recurring"Integer"end_by_occurrences" : 8
when.repeat_on_days_of_week*Days of week represented as ": {
for h-0": "Parameter".
Required if when.type = "recurring" and repeat_type = "week"List"repeat_on_days_of_week" : a": {
when.delivery_timezone*To adapt delivery times to user or account's timezone.OptionalBoolean"delivery_timezone":"user"
when.user_timezone_wrap_around*If the campaign start time is after a user's local time, then drop the campaign (user_timezone_wrap_around : false) or deliver the campaign the next day (user_timezone_wrap_around : true).OptionalBoolean"user_timezone_wrap_around":true
dnd*Do Not DisturbOptionalObject"dnd":{
"2": h-1": "Description",
"4": h-2": "Required/O"
dnd.message_state*The following are the values for parameter:
"delay": Delay message send until the end of DND.
"discard" : Discard messages scheduled during DND.
Note: By default, messages scheduled during DND are discarded (if message_state is not provided).
Required if DND applicable.Integer"message_state":"discard"
dnd.dnd_info*Provides the following information:
Format: a": {
"h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "De
Day: Denotes the days of week on which the DND is applicable.
Format: ": "Paramete is "h-1 value
Required if DND applicableObject"dnd_info":{
"2": data": {
"4": ta": {
(2 for monday)
dnd.dnd_timezone*Timezone for DND (user_timezone or account_timezone)Required if DND applicableString"dnd_timezone":"user",
when.campaign_cutoff*Stop sending messages from this campaign after a particular time (Campaign Cutoff)
Format : "HH:MM"
OptionalString (Time)"campaign_cutoff": "12:20"

Example Payloads :

    "name": "My Webpush API campaign",
    "estimate_only": true,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Charged",
        "from": 20171001,
        "to": 20171220, 
      "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Customer Type",
                    "value": "Platinum"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "content": {
        "title": "Hi!",
        "body": "How are you doing today?",
       "platform_specific": {
            "safari": {
                "deep_link": "",
            "chrome": {
              "image": "",
              "deep_link": "",
            "firefox": {
                "deep_link": "",
            "kaios": {
              "kaiosKV": {
                "key1": "value1",
                "key2": "value2"
    "when": "now"
    "name": "My API Campaign",
    "estimate_only": true,
      "event_name": "Charged",
                   "property_name":"Items|Book name",
                   "property_value":"book name"
      "revenue_property": "Amount"
    "where": {
        "event_name": "App Launched",
        "from": 20150101,
        "to": 20150303,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Customer Type",
                    "value": "Platinum"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "ttl": {
             "ttl_type": "absolute",
                "value" : 202207200000 },
    "content": {
        "title": "Hi!",
        "body": "How are you doing today?",
        "platform_specific": {
            "ios": {
                "mutable-content": "true", 
                "deep_link": "",
                "sound_file": "example.caf",
                "category": "application category//Books",
                "badge_count": 1,
                "Key": "Value_ios"
            "android": {
                "enable_rendermax": true,
                "wzrk_cid": "Marketing",
                "background_image": "http://example.jpg",
                "default_sound": true,
                "deep_link": "",
                "large_icon": "http://example.png",
                "Key": "Value_android",
    "devices": [
    "users_limit_overall": 101,
              "2": ["21:00","06:00"],
              "4": ["23:56","04:34"],
              "5": ["09:00","09:13"]
      "campaign_cutoff": "08:00"
    "name": "My Email API campaign",
    "estimate_only": true,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Charged",
        "from": 20171001,
        "to": 20171220, 
      "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Customer Type",
                    "value": "Platinum"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "content": {
        "subject": "Welcome",
        "body": "<div>Your HTML content for the email</div>",
        "sender_name": "CleverTap"
    "when": "now"
    "name": "SMS Header,Message Key Values",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "sms",
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Notification Replied",
        "from": 20240810,
        "to": 20240910,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Phone",
                    "operator": "equals",
                    "value": "+130123456"
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider Nickname",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "when": "now",
    "content": {
        "body": "Random Body",
        "message_info": {
            "1726822661": {
                "header_kvs": {
                    "$$header1": "Header 1",
                    "$$header2": "Header 2"
                "message_kvs": {
                    "$$message1": "Message 1",
                    "$$message2": "Message 2"
    "name": "My Webhook Campaign",
    "estimate_only": true,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Charged",
        "from": 20190101,
        "to": 20191220
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "webhook_endpoint_name":"Recommendation Endpoint",
    "webhook_key_value" : {
    "when": "now"
    "name": "api simple test",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Charged",
        "from": 20150101,
        "to": 20150303
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "send_to_all_devices": true,
    "template_type":"simple", // mandatory
    "content": [
  	"custom_kv":[     //Supported for SDK version 5.2.0 or higher.
           "key" :"k1",
           "value": {
               "text": ""
           "android" : true,
           "key" :"k2",
           "value": {
               "text": "someValueApi2"
           "android" : true
    "devices": [
    "when": "now"
    "name": "api simple test",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Charged",
        "from": 20150101,
        "to": 20150303
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "send_to_all_devices": true,
    "orientation": "p",
    "content": [
  "custom_kv":[     //Supported for SDK version 5.2.0 or higher.
           "key" :"k1",
           "value": {
               "text": ""
           "android" : true,
           "key" :"k2",
           "value": {
               "text": "someValueApi2"
           "android" : true
    "devices": [
    "when": "now"

// media & template_type is mandatory
    "name": "api simple test",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Charged",
        "from": 20150101,
        "to": 20150303
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "send_to_all_devices": true,
    "orientation": "p",
    "content": [
    "custom_kv":[     //Supported for SDK version 5.2.0 or higher.
           "key" :"k1",
           "value": {
               "text": ""
           "android" : true,
           "key" :"k2",
           "value": {
               "text": "someValueApi2"
           "android" : true
    "devices": [
    "when": "now"

// media & template_type is mandatory
    "name": "api app inbox icon",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "App Launched",
        "from": 20190101,
        "to": 20190418
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "send_to_all_devices": true,  
    "orientation": "p",
    "content": [
 		 "custom_kv":[     //Supported for SDK version 5.2.0 or higher.
           "key" :"k1",
           "value": {
               "text": ""
           "android" : true,
           "key" :"k2",
           "value": {
               "text": "someValueApi2"
           "android" : true
    "devices": [
    "when": "now"

// template_type is mandatory
    "name": "Standard Whatsapp campaign",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "whatsapp",
    "provider_nick_name": "provider_name",
    "where": {
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "email",
                    "operator": "equals",
                    "value": "Apple"
      "locale": "en", 
            "Dummy User"

Following is the JSON payload for the iOS Carousel Push template:

    "name": "My API Campaign",
    "estimate_only": true,
    "where": {
        "event_name": "App Launched",
        "from": 20150101,
        "to": 20150303,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Customer Type",
                    "value": "Platinum"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "content": {
        "title": "Hi!",
        "body": "How are you doing today?",
        "platform_specific": {
            "ios": {
                "mutable-content": "true", 
                "deep_link": "",
                "sound_file": "example.caf",
                "category": "CTNotification",
                "badge_count": 1,
                "ct_ContentSlider": {
        "orientation": "landscape", // landscape assumes 16:9 images, remove to display default square/portrait images
        "showsPaging": true, // optional to display UIPageControl
        "autoPlay": true, // optional to auto play the slideshow
        "autoDismiss": true, // optional to auto dismiss the notification on item actionUrl launch
                "caption": "caption one",
                "subcaption": "subcaption one",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "actionUrl": "com.clevertap.ctcontent.example://item/one"
                "caption": "caption two", 
                "subcaption": "subcaption two", 
                "imageUrl": "",
                "actionUrl": "com.clevertap.ctcontent.example://item/two"
    "devices": [
    "when": "now"

Following is the JSON payload for WhatsApp interactive message templates:



  • Currently, Create Campaign APIs for WhatsApp do not support Carousel templates, Limited Time Offer (LTO) templates, Custom key-value pairs,, and templates with copy code button.
    "name": "Interactive Whatsapp Campaign",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "whatsapp",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Added To Cart",
        "from": 20200610,
        "to": 20200619,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Fruit",
                    "value": "Apple"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "system_control_group_include": false,
    "content": {
        "template_name": "662da022_5583_406d_9c71_428d5e3164bb:ticket_update",
        "locale": "en", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
        "header": {
            "type": "image",  
            "media": {
                "url": ""
        "body": {
            "replacements": []
    "when": "now"

    "name": "Interactive Whatsapp Campaign",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "whatsapp",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Added To Cart",
        "from": 20200610,
        "to": 20200619,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Fruit",
                    "value": "Apple"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "system_control_group_include": false,
    "content": {
        "template_name": "662da022_5583_406d_9c71_428d5e3164bb:ticket_update",
        "locale": "en", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
        "header": {
            "type": "text",
            "replacements": ["Dummy User", "22/10/2021"]
        "body": {
            "replacements": ["dummy"]
    "when": "now"

    "name": "Interactive Whatsapp Campaign",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "whatsapp",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Added To Cart",
        "from": 20200610,
        "to": 20200619,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Fruit",
                    "value": "Apple"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "system_control_group_include": false,
    "content": {
        "template_name": "662da022_5583_406d_9c71_428d5e3164bb:ticket_update",
        "locale": "en", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
        "header": {
            "type": "document",   
            "media": {
                "url": ""
        "body": {
            "replacements": ["Dummy User", "22/10/2021"]
    "when": "now"

    "name": "Interactive Whatsapp Campaign",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "whatsapp",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Added To Cart",
        "from": 20200610,
        "to": 20200619,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Fruit",
                    "value": "Apple"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "system_control_group_include": false,
    "content": {
        "template_name": "662da022_5583_406d_9c71_428d5e3164bb:ticket_update",
        "locale": "en", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
        "header": {
            "type": "video",
            "media": {
                "url": ""
        "body": {
            "replacements": ["Dummy User", "22/10/2021"]
    "when": "now"

    "name": "Interactive Whatsapp Campaign",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "whatsapp",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Added To Cart",
        "from": 20200610,
        "to": 20200619,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Fruit",
                    "value": "Apple"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "system_control_group_include": false,
    "content": {
        "template_name": "662da022_5583_406d_9c71_428d5e3164bb:ticket_update",
        "locale": "en", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
        "header": {
            "type": "location",
            "media": {
                "latitiude": 32.123,
                "longitude": 123.32,
                "name": "facebook ",
                "address": "facebook "
        "body": {
            "replacements": ["Dummy User", "22/10/2021"]
    "when": "now"

   "name":"Interactive Whatsapp Campaign",
   "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
      "event_name":"Added To Cart",
      "locale": "en", //Mandatory for WhatsApp
            "name":"facebook ",
            "address":"facebook "
            "Dummy User",


The Generic Sample Campaign API includes configurations for without Key Values, Key Value in Header Body, Key Value in Message Body, Target Level Key Value & Template ID, with payloads added below.

ParameterDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeExample Value
$$header1The header key must match the key-value pairs defined in the Provider Setup headers.RequiredString
$$message1The message (body) key must match the key-value pairs defined in the Provider Setup bodyRequiredString
1726822661This is the provider ID given by CleverTap, and you can obtain it from the URL when viewing the provider details in the dashboard or you can reach out to support team or account manager to get this value.RequiredString
nameThe name of your campaign shown in the CleverTap dashboard.RequiredStringβ€œMy Campaign”
provider_nicknameAllows you to specify which vendor/provider to use for your campaign. For each target_mode, you can have multiple providers integrated with CleverTap, and this parameter allows you to select which provider to use for the campaign. For example, you select target_mode = email and you have integrated both SendGrid and Amazon SNS with CleverTap to send emails. In this scenario, you can set provider_nick_name = SendGrid to send the campaign through SendGrid. This parameter is required for WhatsApp and SMS.RequiredString"Provider 1"
whereAllows you to filter target base on the user events and profile properties. Send an empty object ({}) to target your entire user base.RequiredObject"where": {
"event_name": "Charged",
"from": 20171001,
"to": 20171220,
"common_profile_properties": {
"profile_fields": ed/Optional",
"h-3": "Type",
"h-4": "Example Value",
"0-0": "name",
"0-1": "The name of your campaign shown in the CleverTap dashboard.",
"0-2": "Required",

where.event_nameAllows you to target users based on an event they perform.OptionalString"charged"
where.fromStart of date range for event needed. Value specified in format YYYYMMDD.Optionalint20171001
where.toEnd of date range for event needed. Value specified in format YYYYMMDD.Optionalint20171220
where.profile_fieldsAllows you to target users based on the values of their profile fields.Optionalint"common_profile_properties": {
"profile_fields": "h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "Description",
"h-2": "Required/Optional",
"h-3": "Type",

whenWhen you want to send out the messages. Valid inputs are now (to send the notification right away) or YYYYMMDD HH:MM to schedule the messages for a specific date and time in the future.RequiredString"now"
content.bodyDynamically replaces placeholder values in the body of interactive templates.RequiredObject
    "name": "Sms Campaign API",
    "estimate_only": true,
    "target_mode": "sms",
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Notification Replied",
        "from": 20240810,
        "to": 20240910,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Phone",
                    "operator": "equals",
                    "value": "+180123456"
    "provider_nick_name": "Nick Name",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "when": "now",
    "content": {
        "body": "Hello User"
    "name": "Sms Campaign API",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "sms",
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Notification Replied",
        "from": 20240810,
        "to": 20240910,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Phone",
                    "operator": "equals",
                    "value": "+180123456"
    "provider_nick_name": "Nick Name",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "when": "now",
    "content": {
        "body": "Hello User",
        "message_info": {
            "1726821834": {
                "header_kvs": {
                    "$$header1": "Header 1",
                    "$$header2": "Header 2"
    "name": "Sms Campaign API",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "sms",
    "where": {
        "event_name": "Notification Replied",
        "from": 20240810,
        "to": 20240910,
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Phone",
                    "operator": "equals",
                    "value": "+180123456"
    "provider_nick_name": "Nick Name",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "when": "now",
    "content": {
        "body": "Hello User",
        "message_info": {
            "1726822153": {
                "message_kvs": {
                    "$$message1": "Message 1",
                    "$$message2": "Message 2"
    "name": "Target Key Value SMS",
    "estimate_only": false,
    "target_mode": "sms",
    "when": "now",
    "where": {
        "common_profile_properties": {
            "profile_fields": [
                    "name": "Phone",
                    "operator": "equals",
                    "value": "+180123456"
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "provider_nick_name": "Nick Name",
    "content": {
        "body": "Hello user",
        "message_info": {
            "1726823920": {
                "template_id": "TEMPLATE ID",
                "header_kvs": {
                    "$$header1": "Header 1",
                    "$$header2": "Header 2"
                "message_kvs": {
                    "targetkey1": "kv value 1",
                    "targetkey2": "kv value 2",
                    "$$MessageID": "message ID"

Example Request - Target User Events & Properties

Here is an example cURL request to the Create Campaign API showing the headers needed to authenticate the request from the account in the India region:

curl -X POST -d ' {"name": "My Sms API campaign","estimate_only": true,"target_mode":"sms", "where":{"event_name":"Charged","from":20171001,"to":20171220,"common_profile_properties":{"profile_fields": [ {"name": "Customer Type","operator":"equals","value": "Platinum"}]}},"respect_frequency_caps": false,"content": { "body": "Sms body"},"when": "now"}' \
"" \
-H "X-CleverTap-Account-Id: ACCOUNT_ID" \
-H "X-CleverTap-Passcode: PASSCODE" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

uri = URI.parse(" ")
request =
request.content_type = "application/json"
request["X-Clevertap-Account-Id"] = "ACCOUNT_ID"
request["X-Clevertap-Passcode"] = "PASSCODE"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "name" => "My Sms API campaign",
  "estimate_only" => true,
  "target_mode" => "sms",
  "where" => {
    "event_name" => "Charged",
    "from" => 20171001,
    "to" => 20171220,
    "common_profile_properties" => {
      "profile_fields" => [
          "name" => "Customer Type",
          "operator" => "equals",
          "value" => "Platinum"
  "respect_frequency_caps" => false,
  "content" => {
    "body" => "Sms body"
  "when" => "now"

req_options = {
  use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https",

response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http|
import requests

headers = {
    'X-CleverTap-Account-Id': 'ACCOUNT_ID',
    'X-CleverTap-Passcode': 'PASSCODE',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

data = ' {"name": "My Sms API campaign","estimate_only": true,"target_mode":"sms", "where":{"event_name":"Charged","from":20171001,"to":20171220,"common_profile_properties":{"profile_fields": [ {"name": "Customer Type","operator":"equals","value": "Platinum"}]}},"respect_frequency_caps": false,"content": { "body": "Sms body"},"when": "now"}'

response ='', headers=headers, data=data)
$headers = array(
    'X-CleverTap-Account-Id' => 'ACCOUNT_ID',
    'X-CleverTap-Passcode' => 'PASSCODE',
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
$data = ' {"name": "My Sms API campaign","estimate_only": true,"target_mode":"sms", "where":{"event_name":"Charged","from":20171001,"to":20171220,"common_profile_properties":{"profile_fields": [ {"name": "Customer Type","operator":"equals","value": "Platinum"}]}},"respect_frequency_caps": false,"content": { "body": "Sms body"},"when": "now"}';
$response = Requests::post('', $headers, $data);
var request = require('request');

var headers = {
    'X-CleverTap-Account-Id': 'ACCOUNT_ID',
    'X-CleverTap-Passcode': 'PASSCODE',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

var dataString = ' {"name": "My Sms API campaign","estimate_only": true,"target_mode":"sms", "where":{"event_name":"Charged","from":20171001,"to":20171220,"common_profile_properties":{"profile_fields": [ {"name": "Customer Type","operator":"equals","value": "Platinum"}]}},"respect_frequency_caps": false,"content": { "body": "Sms body"},"when": "now"}';

var options = {
    url: ' ',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: headers,
    body: dataString

function callback(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

request(options, callback);

Example Response - Target User Events & Properties

  "status": "success",
  "estimates": {
    "web": 2

Example Request - Event Occurrence

    "advanced_query": {
        "did_all": [
                "event_name": "App Launched",
                "from": 20200101,
                "to": 20200218,
                "operator": "greater_than_equals",
                "value": 5,

Create Campaign API - Target Users by their Identities

You can send notifications to your users based on their Facebook ID, Email ID, custom-defined identity, or CleverTap ID.

You can message 1000 users per API request.

Base URL - Target Users by their Identities

The endpoint is different based on the channel you are sending the message.

Following are some example base URLs from the account in the India region:





The push.json API currently does not support Pull Notifications.

Web Push




These are some example base URLs from the account in the India region. To know the API endpoint for your account, refer to Region.


HTTP Method - Target Users by their Identities


Headers - Target Users by their Identities

These headers are all required. The X-CleverTap-Account-Id and X-CleverTap-Passcode are used to authenticate the request. Please see the authentication guide to see how to get their values.

HeaderDescriptionTypeExample Value
X-CleverTap-Account-IdYour CleverTap Account ID.string"X-CleverTap-Account-Id: ACCOUNT_ID"
X-CleverTap-PasscodeYour CleverTap Account Passcode.string"X-CleverTap-Passcode: PASSCODE"
Content-TypeRequest content-type should always set to application/json; charset=utf-8.string"Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8"

Body Parameters - Target Users by their Identities

The body is uploaded as a JSON payload.

to, name, title, body, subject, sender_name, and target_mode are required parameters.

The to parameter is an object that has the following child properties: FBID, Email, Identity, objectId, which are used as identifiers to target your users. Each request can contain a max of 1000 users across these identifiers.

ParameterDescriptionRequiredTypeExample Value
toUsed to define which users will receive the message.requiredobject"to": {
"FBID": "h-0": "Parameter",

"Email": , "h-4": "Example Value", "0-0": "to", "0-1", "Identity": ", "0-3": "object", "0-4", "objectId": , "1-1": "Facebook ID for user.", "1-2": "required", "1-3" }
to.FBIDFacebook ID for user.requiredarray of strings"to": {
"FBID": "h-0": "Parameter",
to.EmailEmail identifier for user.requiredarray of strings{
"to": {
"Email": h-0": "Parameter",
"h-1": "Description",
to.IdentityCustom-defined identifier for user.requiredarray of strings{
"to": {
"Identity": -0": "Parameter",
to.objectIdCleverTap identifier for user.requiredarray of strings{
"to": {
"objectId": ": "Parameter",
tag_groupEach message can be tagged into a tag group. Metrics, such as sent and viewed, will be shown against each tag group in the CleverTap dashboard. Max 500 groups. If not specified, the metrics will be shown against the β€œNot Tagged” tag. The stats page shows the tag group for the selected tag.optional (either use tag _group or campaign_id)string"my tag group"
contentObject that defines the content for your message.requiredobject"content": {
"subject": "Welcome",
"body": "
Your HTML content for the email
"sender_name": "CleverTap"
content.titleTitle content of your push notification message and web push message which is sent to the user.requiredstring"Hi"
content.bodyBody content of your push notification, web push, email and sms which is sent to the user.requiredstringβ€œHave you seen the special offer?”
content.subjectSubject content of your email which is sent to the user.requiredstring"Subject"
content.sender_nameSender name for your email which is sent to the user.requiredstringβ€œOnboarding”
content.message_type Type of the message. These can be two types: 1. Template - Use when you are using a template to trigger the message 2. Freeform - When you are replying back to the user. Required (Applicable only for WhatsApp)String"template" or "Freeform"
content.templateContains all the information about the message content in the template. Required(Applicable only for WhatsApp)Object "template": {
"template_name": "Image_Template_1",
"header": {
"type": "image",
"media": {
"url": ""
"body": {
"type": "text",
"replacements": ["var1","Var2"]

"buttons": \[ { "replacements": [ "mvi qr payload 5" ] }, { "replacements": [ "mvi qr payload 7" ] } ]}
content.template.template_name Name of the template usedRequired(Applicable only for WhatsApp)String"video_Template_1"
content.template.languageLanguage code for the language used to create the template. For more information, see Meta Message TemplatesRequired(Applicable only for WhatsApp)String"en"
content.template.headerContent information about the header used in the template. Used only if the template is using headers.Required (Applicable only for WhatsApp) Object"header": {
"type": "image",
"media": {
"url": ""
For more header types, refer to the examples.
content.template.header.typeType of the header (for example, video, image, location, text, or document).Required (Applicable only for WhatsApp)String"video"
content.template.header.mediaMedia-related information (URL of the video)Required (Applicable only for WhatsApp)Object"header": {
"type": "image",
"media": {
"url": ""
For more header types, refer to the examples.
content.template.header.replacementsReplacement Object for text headers. Applicable only for text headers. Required (Applicable only for WhatsApp)Object"header": {
"type": "text",
"replacements": [ "header var 1" ]

content.template.bodyBody section of the templateRequired (Applicable only for WhatsApp)Object"body": {
"type": "text",
"replacements": [
"Var 1", "Var 2"
content.template.body.type Type of the body (text in this case)Required(Applicable only for WhatsApp)String"text"
content.template.body.replacementsReplacement variables in the body. A replacement value is required for each dynamic variable in the body. Required(Applicable only for WhatsApp)Array["var1", "Var2"]
content.template.buttonsButton-related informationRequired(Applicable only for WhatsApp)Array"buttons": [
"replacements": [
"quick reply custom payload 1"
"replacements": [
"quick reply custom payload 2"
provider_nick_nameAllows you to specify which vendor/provider to use for your campaign. For each target_mode, you can have multiple providers integrated with CleverTap, and this parameter allows you to select which provider to use for the campaign. For example, you select target_mode = email and you have integrated both SendGrid and Amazon SNS with CleverTap to send emails. In this scenario, you can set provider_nick_name = SendGrid to send the campaign through SendGrid. This parameter is required for WhatsApp and SMS.Requiredstring"Provider 1"
respect_frequency_capsSet to false if you want to override frequency caps.optionalbooleanfalse
send_email_to_opted_out_usersValid values are: true and false. Set to false by default. When true, emails are sent to all qualified users, including those who have unsubscribed. For more information, refer to Override Communication Preferences for Email.optionalboolean"send_email_to_opted_out_users":true
wzrk_cidPlatform specific key that is required to target users on devices running Android O - can be used to determine notification channel to which a given push notification must belong.

If a Notification ID is mandatory then the channel ID is expected. An error occurs if a valid channel ID is not received.
badge_idPlatform specific key that can be used while targeting users on devices running Android O - can be used to determine the notification count shown on the app iconoptionalint
badge_iconPlatform specific key that can be used while targeting users on devices running Android O - can be used to determine which icon should be used.

Accepted values
app icon
notification icon
mutable-contentTo raise Notification viewed event for Push notifications, raise the flag to "true" in the platform_specific: ios section of the request payload.optionalboolean
platform_specificThe platform-specific details for Push and Web Push notificationoptionalstring
background_imageThe parameter to render images in the push notification for Android.Optionalstring
ct_mediaUrlThe parameter to render images in the push notification for iOS.Optionalstring
wzrk_clrA Platform specific key that can be used to set color for small icons in push notifications.optionalstring# 1DA1F2
respect_communication_preferenceSend this value as False to override the communication preferences of the user. For example, transaction updates, user replies, and so on. Check that you do not breach any compliance regulations by overriding the user communication preferences. Optional (Applicable only for WhatsApp)BooleanFalse
message_idA unique identifier to track the status of each message sent to the end user. The limit is 8 characters.Required(Applicable only for WhatsApp)String"4536tsytr"

Below are example payloads for web push, push, email, SMS, and WhatsApp.

    "to": {
        "FBID": [
        "Email": [
        "Identity": [
        "objectId": [
    "tag_group": "my tag group",
		"campaign_id": 1000000043,
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
     "content": {
        "title": "Hi!",
        "body": "How are you doing today?",
       "platform_specific": {
            "safari": {
                "deep_link": "",
            "chrome": {
              "image": "",
              "deep_link": "",
            "firefox": {
                "deep_link": "",
    "to": {
        "FBID": [
        "GPID": [
        "Email": [
        "Identity": [
        "objectId": [
    "tag_group": "my tag group",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "content": {
        "title": "Welcome",
        "body": "Hello world!",
        "platform_specific": {
            "ios": {
                "deep_link": "",
                "sound_file": "example.caf",
                "mutable-content": "true", 
                "ct_mediaUrl": "",
                "category": "notification category",
                "badge_count": 1,
                "key": "value_ios"
            "android": {
                "background_image": "http://example.jpg",
                "default_sound": true,
                "deep_link": "",
                "large_icon": "http://example.png",
                "key": "value_android"
    "to": {
        "FBID": [
        "GPID": [
        "Email": [
        "Identity": [
        "objectId": [
    "tag_group": "my tag group",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "content": {
        "subject": "Welcome",
        "body": "<div>Your HTML content for the email</div>",
        "sender_name": "CleverTap"
    "to": {
        "FBID": [
        "GPID": [
        "Email": [
        "Identity": [
        "objectId": [
    "tag_group": "my tag group",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
     "content": {
        "body": "Sms body"
  "to": {
    "Identity": [
  "tag_group": "Tag Group 1",
  "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1",
  "respect_frequency_caps": false,
  "message_id": "4536tsytr",
  "respect_communication_preference": true,
  "content": {
    "message_type": "template",
    "template": {
      "template_name": "video_Template_1",
      "header": {
        "type": "video",
        "media": {
          "url": ""
      "body": {
        "type": "text",
        "replacements": [
      //dynamic redirection CTA
      "buttons": [
          "replacements": [
      "language": "en"

Following is the JSON payload for WhatsApp interactive message templates:



Currently, Create Campaign APIs for WhatsApp do not support Carousel templates, Limited Time Offer (LTO) templates, Custom key-value pairs, and templates with copy code button.

  "to": {
    "Identity": [
  "tag_group": "Tag Group 1",
  "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1",
  "respect_frequency_caps": false,
  "message_id": "4536tsytr",
  "respect_communication_preference": true,
  "content": {
    "message_type": "template",
    "template": {
      "template_name": "Image_Template_1",
      "header": {
        "type": "image",
        "media": {
          "url": ""
      "body": {
        "type": "text",
        "replacements": [
      "language": "en"

    "to": {
        "Identity": [
     "tag_group": "Tag Group 1",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1",
    "message_id": "4536tsytr",
    "content": {
        "message_type": "template",
        "template": {
            "template_name": "video_Template_1",
            "language": "en",
              "header": {
                "type": "video",
                "media": {
                    "url": ""
            "body": {
                "type": "text",
                "replacements": ["var1","Var2"]

    "to": {
        "Identity": [
     "tag_group": "Tag Group 1",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1",
    "message_id": "4536tsytr",
    "content": {
        "message_type": "template",
        "template": {
            "template_name": "document_Template_1",
            "language": "en",
              "header": {
                "type": "document",
                "media": {
                    "url": "http://www.ecommercecompany/allproducts/pdf/productcatalog.pdf"
            "body": {
                "type": "text",
                "replacements": ["var1","Var2"]

  "to": {
    "Identity": [
  "tag_group": "Tag1",
  "provider_nick_name": "WhatsApp Provider",
  "message_id": "4764387",
  "respect_frequency_caps": false,
  "content": {
    "message_type": "template",
    "template": {
      "template_name": "shipping_order",
      "header": {
        "type": "text",
        "replacements": [
          "header var 1",
          "header var 2"
      "body": {
        "type": "text",
        "replacements": [
                   // No need to mention footers info in API payload
            // Requirements are required only if you want to send custom payloads in the quick reply button. ds
      "buttons": [
          "replacements": [
      "language": "en_US"
    "to": {
        "Identity": [
     "tag_group": "Tag Group 1",
    "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1",
    "message_id": "4536tsytr",
    "content": {
        "message_type": "template",
        "template": {
            "template_name": "location_Template_1",
            "language": "en",
              "header": {
                "type": "location",
                "media": {
                    "longitude": 80.82947469999999,
                    "latitude": 16.0174248,
                    "name": "johnhouse",
                    "address": "johnhouse, New York, 522265, India",
                    "url": ",+New+York+522265,+America&ftid=0x3a49f59a2391c549:0xfe237504b0eca607"
            "body": {
                "type": "text",
                "replacements": ["var1","Var2"]

  "to": {
    "Identity": [
  "tag_group": "Tag Group 1",
  "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1",
  "respect_frequency_caps": false,
  "message_id": "4536tsytr",
  "respect_communication_preference": true,
  "content": {
    "message_type": "template",
    "language": "en",
    "template": {
      "template_name": "Image_Template_1",
      "header": {
        "type": "image",
        "media": {
          "url": ""
      "body": {
        "type": "text",
        "replacements": [
          //example CTA URL:{{1}}
      "buttons": [
          "replacements": [
  "to": {
    "Identity": [
  "tag_group": "Tag Group 1",
  "provider_nick_name": "Provider_1",
  "respect_frequency_caps": false,
  "message_id": "4536tsytr",
  "respect_communication_preference": true,
  "content": {
    "message_type": "template",
    "language": "en",
    "template": {
      "template_name": "Image_Template_1",
      "header": {
        "type": "image",
        "media": {
          "url": ""
      "body": {
        "type": "text",
        "replacements": [
      "buttons": [
          "replacements": [
            "mvi qr payload 5"
          "replacements": [
            "mvi qr payload 7"
  "to": {
    "Identity": [
  "tag_group": "whatsapp initial tag group",
  "provider_nick_name": "provider_1",
  "respect_frequency_caps": false,
  "message_id": "4536tsytr",
  "respect_communication_preference": true,
  "content": {
    "message_type": "freeform",
    "freeform": {
      "body": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Hi, How can we help you"
  "to": {
    "Identity": [
  "tag_group": "whatsapp initial tag group",
  "provider_nick_name": "provider_1",
  "respect_frequency_caps": false,
  "message_id": "4536tsytr",
  "respect_communication_preference": true,
  "content": {
    "message_type": "freeform",
    "freeform": {
      "body": {
        "type": "image",
        "media": {
          "url": "",
          "caption": "example caption"
    "to": {
        "Identity": [
    "tag_group": "whatsapp initial tag group",
    "provider_nick_name": "provider_1",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "message_id": "4536tsytr",
    "content": {
        "message_type": "freeform",
        "freeform": {
            "body": {
                "type": "video",
                "media": {
                    "url": "",
                    "caption": "example caption"

    "to": {
        "Identity": [
    "tag_group": "whatsapp initial tag group",
    "provider_nick_name": "provider_1",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "message_id": "4536tsytr",
    "content": {
        "message_type": "freeform",
        "freeform": {
            "body": {
                "type": "audio",
                "media": {
                    "url": "",

    "to": {
        "Identity": [
    "tag_group": "whatsapp initial tag group",
    "provider_nick_name": "provider_1",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "message_id": "4536tsytr",
    "content": {
        "message_type": "freeform",
        "freeform": {
            "body": {
                "type": "document",
                "media": {
                    "url": "",
                    "filename": "example.pdf"

    "to": {
        "Identity": [
    "tag_group": "whatsapp initial tag group",
    "provider_nick_name": "provider_1",
    "respect_frequency_caps": false,
    "message_id": "4536tsytr",
    "content": {
        "message_id": "1234589",
        "message_type": "freeform",
        "freeform": {
            "body": {
                "type": "location",
                "media": {
                    "longitude": 80.82947469999999,
                    "latitude": 16.0174248,
                    "name": "johnhouse",
                    "address": "Johnhouse, New York, 522265, India",
                    "url": ",+New+York+522265,+America&ftid=0x3a49f59a2391c549:0xfe237504b0eca607"

Example Request - Target Users by their Identities

Here is an example cURL request to the Create Campaign API showing the headers needed to authenticate the request from the account in the India region:

curl -X POST -d '{"to":{"FBID":["102029292929388","114342342453463"],"Email":["",""],"Identity":["JohnDoe"],"objectId":["_asdnkansdjknaskdjnasjkndja","-adffajjdfoaiaefiohnefwprjf"]},"campaign_id":1000000043,"tag_group":"mytaggroup","respect_frequency_caps":false,"content":{"body":"Smsbody"}}' \
"" \
-H "X-CleverTap-Account-Id: ACCOUNT_ID" \
-H "X-CleverTap-Passcode: PASSCODE" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

uri = URI.parse("")
request =
request.content_type = "application/json"
request["X-Clevertap-Account-Id"] = "ACCOUNT_ID"
request["X-Clevertap-Passcode"] = "PASSCODE"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "to" => {
    "FBID" => [
    "Email" => [
    "Identity" => [
    "objectId" => [
  "tag_group" => "mytaggroup",
  "respect_frequency_caps" => false,
  "content" => {
    "body" => "Smsbody"

req_options = {
  use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https",

response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http|
import requests

headers = {
    'X-CleverTap-Account-Id': 'ACCOUNT_ID',
    'X-CleverTap-Passcode': 'PASSCODE',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

data = '{"to":{"FBID":["102029292929388","114342342453463"],"Email":["",""],"Identity":["JohnDoe"],"objectId":["_asdnkansdjknaskdjnasjkndja","-adffajjdfoaiaefiohnefwprjf"]},"tag_group":"mytaggroup","respect_frequency_caps":false,"content":{"body":"Smsbody"}}'

response ='', headers=headers, data=data)
$headers = array(
    'X-CleverTap-Account-Id' => 'ACCOUNT_ID',
    'X-CleverTap-Passcode' => 'PASSCODE',
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
$data = '{"to":{"FBID":["102029292929388","114342342453463"],"Email":["",""],"Identity":["JohnDoe"],"objectId":["_asdnkansdjknaskdjnasjkndja","-adffajjdfoaiaefiohnefwprjf"]},"tag_group":"mytaggroup","respect_frequency_caps":false,"content":{"body":"Smsbody"}}';
$response = Requests::post('', $headers, $data);
var request = require('request');

var headers = {
    'X-CleverTap-Account-Id': 'ACCOUNT_ID',
    'X-CleverTap-Passcode': 'PASSCODE',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

var dataString = '{"to":{"FBID":["102029292929388","114342342453463"],"GPID":["1928288389299292"],"Email":["",""],"Identity":["JohnDoe"],"objectId":["_asdnkansdjknaskdjnasjkndja","-adffajjdfoaiaefiohnefwprjf"]},"tag_group":"mytaggroup","respect_frequency_caps":false,"content":{"body":"Smsbody"}}';

var options = {
    url: '',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: headers,
    body: dataString

function callback(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

request(options, callback);

Example Response - Target Users by their Identities

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Added to queue for processing"

A successful response implies payload validity and addition to the processing queue. Message delivery is handled by the provider (push or email) and depends on if you provided a valid recipient id.


If there are errors, you will receive a response in the format below.

    "status": "fail",
    "error": "<error message here>",
    "code": <error code here>

Following are the possible error codes:

Error CodeError MessageTroubleshooting Steps
21"to" is a mandatory field"Check if the to field in the payload is missing recipient records.
73respect_frequency_capsThe value must be Boolean.
76"tag_group" has to be stringCheck if the value for tag group is string.
76"message_type" has to be stringCheck if the value for the Message Type is string.
78Invalid payload pls update and try againInvalid JSON payload. Verify the payload.
84"Invalid recipients"Recipient information mentioned in the payload does not exist in the CleverTap dashboard.
89Unexpected error, please try againThe message failed to send due to an unknown error.

Try again. If the error persists, open a support ticket from the dashboard.
89The WhatsApp provider you've selected is not supported with your current WhatsApp add-on. To use this provider, please enable the WhatsApp Connect add-on1. Check that you are not using external providers in the Send Message API .
2. Check your organization settings to determine if the WhatsApp Connect Add-on is enabled for your project. If the error persists even if the add-on is enabled, please contact our support.
89The WhatsApp provider you've selected is not supported with your current WhatsApp add-on. To use this provider, please enable the WhatsApp Direct add-on1. Check that you are not using CleverTap BSP in the Send Message API .
2. Check your organization settings to determine if the WhatsApp Direct Add-on is enabled for your project. If the error persists even if the add-on is enabled, please contact our support.
89"provider_nick_name" can't be emptyThe provider nick name is mandatory for WhatsApp campaigns. Check if the provider_nick_name is missing or empty.
89The provider_nick_name used in request does not exist in your account.Check if the provider used in the message payload exists in the CleverTap dashboard. To check, navigate to Settings > Channel > WhatsApp.
89"message_id" length can't be greater than 8Check if the length of the message ID is greater than 8 characters.
89"message_id" can't be emptyCheck if the value for the Message ID is missing.
89Received invalid message typeThe only accepted values are "template" or "freeform".
89Template not found for the specified providerCheck if the template used in the payload exists for the specified provider. Navigate to Settings > Channel > WhatsApp> [provider name] to check the template. To fix this, either use a provider that has the specified template or use the template that is available for the provider mentioned in the payload.
89Template name is mandatoryCheck if the template name is missing or empty.
89Invalid number of body/header/button replacements specified, the body/header/button has [n] replacement(s).The number of variables and values in the payload must match for body, header, or button.

View Campaigns Created Through APIs

To view campaigns created through APIs:

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns section from the CleverTap dashboard. The list of campaign displays.
  2. Click the Filter icon > Created by filter and select the serverapi option.
Filter API Campaigns

Filter API Campaigns

  1. Click Apply. All the related campaigns are displayed.
  2. Click any of the campaigns to view details and stats.

Unsubscribe Link for Emails

If you’re using Amazon SES or your own SMTP gateway, you’ll have to follow the steps listed on this page to enable your users to unsubscribe from your email notifications.


To understand the common queries and concerns related to CleverTap APIs, refer to API FAQs.