React Native

Learn how to install and integrate your app with React Native SDK.


React Native (RN) is a popular JavaScript-based mobile app framework. The framework lets you create applications for various platforms using the same codebase as native apps for iOS and Android. CleverTap supports integrating your app with React Native and making the most of both platforms.

Before starting, refer to React Native Quick Start Guide for more details.


Ensure you have the following prerequisites to integrate CleverTap React Native SDK with your app:

  • CleverTap account
  • React Native Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as VS Code, Atom, WebStorm
  • Android Studio IDE
  • Apple Xcode IDE

Supported Versions

  • For Android 15, we recommend using the CleverTap React Native SDK v3.3.0 or higher.
  • For Android 14, we recommend using the CleverTap React Native SDK v3.2.0 or below.

The following table outlines the minimum React Native versions required and the compatibility of each CleverTap SDK version with the new architecture:

CleverTap React Native SDK VersionReact Native Version with Old ArchitectureReact Native Version with New Architecture
3.0.0 or higherThe supported React Native version is 0.65 or higherThe supported React Native version is 0.71 or higher
2.2.1 or belowThe supported React Native version is 0.49.5 or higherDoes not support

React Native SDK Size

For React Native SDK versions and React Native SDK code size, refer to the following table:

SDKVersionCode Size
React Native3.3.0Uncompressed Size = 3.8 MB

Integrate the React Native SDK

Refer to our quick start guide to get started with the React Native integration:

React Native SDK Resources

The following table lists all the React Native SDK resources:

Sample ApplicationProvides a sample application to demonstrate the integration of our React Native SDK.
Advanced FeaturesProvides all the advanced features related to React Native SDK.
Go Live Checklist Provides a list of actions to be performed before you launch your application.
ChangelogProvides details about the most recent updates to our SDKs, including bug fixes, new features, and enhancements.

Additional Reference

Refer to the following for additional React Native SDK references: