September 2023

We are excited to share the September SDK changelog for our product!



Click each SDK header to view the corresponding GitHub repository for release details.

September 29


  • Added support to enable NSFileProtectionComplete to secure the App’s document directory.
  • Added support for Integration Debugger to show errors and events on the dashboard when debugLevel is set to 3.
  • Added support to send locale language and country data using NSLocale.
  • Added a public API setLocale to set custom locale for LP Parity.


  • Updated logic to retrieve country code using NSLocale for iOS 16 and above. The CTCarrier is now deprecated for iOS 16 and above. For more information, refer to the Apple documentation.
  • Updated logic to not send carrier name above iOS 16 in CTCarrier field.


  • Fixed an iOS 17/Xcode 15 crash related to alert In-Apps.
  • Fixed a failing test_clevertap_instance_nscoding test case.

September 26



September 13


  • Fixed a bug related to Interstitial and Image only campaign coexistence.
  • Fixed a bug where dismiss spam control did not work for campaigns created with delay.

September 12

New Features


  • Android Platform
    • Renamed the index.html file used inside the SDK to a unique name. This prevents conflicts with the same file name that may exist in the application.
    • Adjust the Microphone permission prompt limit to align with the permissible threshold, shown when the receiver attends the call. Previously, if the Microphone permission was denied even once, SDK would continue to block all incoming calls at the receiver's end.



      Starting from Android 11, users have the option to deny the prompt twice before the permission is blocked by system. Whereas in earlier versions, users could deny the prompt until selecting the Don't ask again checkbox.

  • Android and iOS Platform
    • Captures a missed call system event when a call initiator manually cancels the call, reported under the SCEnd system event.


  • Android Platform
    • Improved the Bluetooth handling to enhance the user experience in the following ways:
      • During an ongoing call, the audio seamlessly switches to Bluetooth when a Bluetooth connection is established.
      • When Bluetooth connectivity is turned off using the call screen button, the audio correctly switches back to the internal speaker.
    • Resolved duplicate reporting of SCIncoming system events caused by receiving duplicate pushes for the same call. This redundancy occurred due to simultaneous notifications from the socket and FCM platforms.

New Features


  • Android Platform
    • Renamed the index.html file used inside the SDK to a unique name. This prevents conflicts with the same file name that may exist in the application.
    • Adjust the Microphone permission prompt limit to align with the permissible threshold, shown when the receiver attends the call. Previously, if the Microphone permission was denied even once, SDK would continue to block all incoming calls at the receiver's end.



      Starting from Android 11, users have the option to deny the prompt twice before the permission is blocked by system. Whereas in earlier versions, users could deny the prompt until selecting the Don't ask again checkbox.

  • Android and iOS Platform
    • Captures a missed call system event when a call initiator manually cancels the call, reported under the SCEnd system event.


  • Android Platform
    • Improved the Bluetooth handling to enhance the user experience in the following ways:
      • During an ongoing call, the audio seamlessly switches to Bluetooth when a Bluetooth connection is established.
      • When Bluetooth connectivity is disabled using the call screen button, the audio correctly switches back to the internal speaker.
    • Resolved duplicate reporting of SCIncoming system events caused by receiving duplicate pushes for the same call. This redundancy occurred due to simultaneous notifications from the socket and FCM platforms.