Android Remote Config

Learn how to set up Remote Config for your Android application.


With the CleverTap Android SDK, you can create variables on your app that take on new values from the CleverTap dashboard. Using variables in the CleverTap dashboard allows you to roll out changes without having to push an update through the Google Play Store. These can also be used in A/B tests to test features for only a percentage of your users.

You can define variables using the CleverTap Android SDK. When you define a variable in your code, you can sync it to the CleverTap Dashboard via the provided SDK methods.


SDK Prerequisite

Before you proceed, check that you are using Android SDK v5.0.0 or higher to use the Remote Config feature.

Supported Variable Types

Currently, CleverTap SDK supports the following variable types:

  • boolean
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • String

Define Variables

One can define variables using the following three methods:

  • Using the defineVariable(...) method.
  • Using the @Variable annotation on a static field of a class
  • Using the @Variable annotation on an instance field of a class

Using defineVariable(...) Method

You can provide the name and default value of the variable when calling defineVariable(...) method.

Var<Byte> var1 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_byte", (byte) 1);

Var<Short> var2 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_short", (short) 2);

Var<Integer> var3 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_int", 3);

Var<Long> var4 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_long", 4L);

Var<Float> var5 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_float", 5F);

Var<Double> var6 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_double", 6.);

Var<String> var7 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_string", "str");

Var<Boolean> var8 = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_boolean", true);
val var1: Var<Byte> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_byte", 1)

val var2: Var<Short> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_short", 2)

val var3: Var<Int> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_int", 3)

val var4: Var<Long> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_long", 4L)

val var5: Var<Float> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_float", 5F)

val var6: Var<Double> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_double", 6.0)

val var7: Var<String> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_string", "str")

val var8: Var<Boolean> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_boolean", true)

Using @Variable Annotation on a Static Variable

You can use the @Variable annotation when defining a static variable; however, the class field must be publicly accessible. After defining the variables, you must instruct the CleverTap Android SDK to parse that specific class by calling the parseVariablesForClasses() method

public class MyClass {
  public static boolean var_boolean = true;

  public static byte var_byte = 1;

  public static short var_short = 2;

  public static int var_int = 3;

  public static long var_long = 4L;

  public static float var_float = 5F;

  public static double var_double = 6.;

  public static String var_string = "str";

// You must instruct CleverTap SDK that you have such definition by using:
// Using the @Variable annotation in Kotlin files is not supported yet.
// It will be added in a future release.



It is mandatory to skip your classes from Proguard when using the @Variable annotation, because changing the names of the fields lead to runtime errors:

-keep class com.package.MyClass {

Using @Variable Annotation on an Instance Variable

You can use the annotation @Variable when defining an instance variable; however, the class field must be publicly accessible. After defining the variables, you must instruct the CleverTap Android SDK to parse that specific instance variable using the parseVariables(instance). This method for parsing the variables is different from the parseVariablesForClasses() method and takes the instance as an argument

public class MyClass {
  public boolean var_boolean = true;

  public byte var_byte = 1;

  public short var_short = 2;

  public int var_int = 3;

  public long var_long = 4L;

  public float var_float = 5F;

  public double var_double = 6.;

  public String var_string = "str";

// You must instruct CleverTap SDK that you have such definition by using:
MyClass instance = new MyClass();
// Using the @Variable annotation in Kotlin files is not supported yet.
// It will be added in a future release.



It is mandatory to skip your classes from Proguard when using the @Variable annotation, because changing the names of the fields lead to runtime errors:

-keep class com.package.MyClass {

Set Up Callbacks

CleverTap Android SDK provides several callbacks for the developer to receive feedback from the SDK. You can use them as per your requirement, using all of them is not mandatory. They are as follows:

  • Status of fetch variables request.
  • Change in individual variable value.
  • Initialize all variables or change all variable values

Status of Fetch Variables Request

The FetchVariablesCallback() method provides feedback to ensure that the variables were successfully retrieved from the server.

cleverTap.fetchVariables(new FetchVariablesCallback() {
    public void onVariablesFetched(boolean isSuccess) {
        // isSuccess is true when server request is successful, false otherwise
cleverTap.fetchVariables { isSuccess ->
  // isSuccess is true when server request is successful, false otherwise


Retrieving Variables

The retrieval of variables is limited to a single callback, meaning that any subsequent calls to the method overwrites the callback internally. As a result, only the most recent callback is triggered when the variables are retrieved.

Change in Individual Variable Value

The individual callback is registered per variable. It is called on the app start or whenever the variable value changes.

Var variable = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_int", 1);
variable.addValueChangedCallback(new VariableCallback() {
    public void onValueChanged(Var varInstance) {
        // invoked on app start and whenever value is changed
val variable: Var<Int> = cleverTap.defineVariable("var_int", 1)
variable.addValueChangedCallback(object : VariableCallback<Int>() {
  override fun onValueChanged(varInstance: Var<Int>) {
    // invoked on app start and whenever value is changed

Initialize All Variables or Change All Variable Values

The global callback registered on the CleverTap instance is called when variables are initialized with a value or changed with a new server value.

// invoked on app start and whenever vars are fetched from server
cleverTap.addVariablesChangedCallback(new VariablesChangedCallback() {
    public void variablesChanged() {
        // implement
// invoked only once on app start, or when added if server values are already received
cleverTap.addOneTimeVariablesChangedCallback(new VariablesChangedCallback() {
    public void variablesChanged() {
        // implement
// invoked on app start and whenever vars are fetched from server
cleverTap.addVariablesChangedCallback(object : VariablesChangedCallback() {
  override fun variablesChanged() {
    // implement

// invoked only once on app start, or when added if server values are already received
cleverTap.addOneTimeVariablesChangedCallback(object : VariablesChangedCallback() {
  override fun variablesChanged() {
    // implement

Sync Defined Variables

After defining your variables in the code, you must send/sync variables to the server. To do so, the app must be in DEBUG mode and mark a particular CleverTap user profile as a test profile from the CleverTap dashboard. Learn how to mark a profile as Test Profile

After marking the profile as a test profile, you must sync the app variables in DEBUG mode:



Key Points to Remember

  • In a scenario where there is already a draft created by another user profile in the dashboard, the sync call will fail to avoid overriding important changes made by someone else. In this case, Publish or Dismiss the existing draft before you proceed with syncing variables again. However, you can override a draft you created via the sync method previously to optimize the integration experience.
  • You can receive the following Logcat logs from the CleverTap SDK:
    • Variables synced successfully.
    • Unauthorized access from a non-test profile. To address this, mark the profile as a test profile from the CleverTap dashboard.

Fetch Variables During a Session

During a session, you can fetch the updated values for your CleverTap variables from the server. If variables have changed, the appropriate callbacks are fired. The callback returns a boolean flag that indicates if the update was successful. The callback is fired regardless of whether the variables have changed or not.

cleverTap.fetchVariables(new FetchVariablesCallback() {
    public void onVariablesFetched(boolean isSuccess) {
        // isSuccess is true when server request is successful, false otherwise
cleverTap.fetchVariables { isSuccess ->
  // isSuccess is true when server request is successful, false otherwise

Use Fetched Variables Values

This process involves the following two major steps

  1. Fetch variable values.
  2. Access variable values.

Fetch Variable Values

Variables are updated automatically when server values are received. If you want to receive feedback when a specific variable is updated, use the individual callback:

variable.addValueChangedCallback(new VariableCallback() {
    public void onValueChanged(Var varInstance) {
        // invoked on app start and whenever value is changed
variable.addValueChangedCallback(object : VariableCallback<Int>() {
  override fun onValueChanged(varInstance: Var<Int>) {
    // invoked on app start and whenever value is changed

Access Variable Values

You can access these fetched values in the following three ways

From Annotated @Variable field

Class fields annotated by @Variable are automatically updated and when you use the field it will have the latest server value.

From Var instance

You can use several methods on the Var instance as shown in the following code:

variable.defaultValue(); // returns default value
variable.value(); // returns current value
variable.numberValue(); // returns value as Number if applicable
variable.stringValue(); // returns value as String
variable.defaultValue() // returns default value
variable.value() // returns current value
variable.numberValue() // returns value as Number if applicable
variable.stringValue() // returns value as String

Using CleverTapAPI Class

You can use the CleverTapAPI class to get the current value of a variable. If the variable is nonexistent, the method returns null:

cleverTap.getVariableValue(“variable name”);
cleverTap.getVariableValue(“variable name”)