Cordova User Events

Understand how to record user events with Cordova.

User Events

Record an event with event data

// event with properties
var props = { 'Name': 'XYZ', 'Price': 123 }
CleverTap.recordEventWithNameAndProps("Cordova Event", props)

Record an event without event data

CleverTap.recordEventWithName("Cordova Event")

Record Charged event

var chargeDetails = { 'totalValue': 20, 
                      'category': 'books', 
                      'purchase_date': new Date()
var items = [
{ 'title': 'book1', 'published_date': new Date('2010-12-12T06:35:31'), 'author': 'ABC' },
{ 'title': 'book2', 'published_date': new Date('2020-12-12T06:35:31'), 'author': 'DEF') },
{ 'title': 'book3', 'published_date': new Date('2000-12-12T06:35:31'), 'author': 'XYZ' }]

CleverTap.recordChargedEventWithDetailsAndItems(chargeDetails, items);