Android Native Display
Learn how to integrate and test Native Display.
We support Native Display for CleverTap Android SDK version 3.6.2 and above. Follow the steps to integrate Native Display with your App.
Register the Native Display Listener
The Activity class must implement DisplayUnitListener, on which you will show the NativeDisplayUnits. Register the activity to the Clevertapβs instance using the setDisplayUnitListener method.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements DisplayUnitListener {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
public void onDisplayUnitsLoaded(ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit> units) {
// you will get display units here
import android.os.Bundle
import java.util.ArrayList
class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity(), DisplayUnitListener {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val cleverTapDefaultInstance = CleverTapAPI.getDefaultInstance(this@MainActivity)
cleverTapDefaultInstance?.apply {
override fun onDisplayUnitsLoaded(units: ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit>?) {
// you will get display units here
Get the NativeDisplayUnits
You can raise the event for the Native Display Campaign.
CleverTapAPI.getDefaultInstance(this).pushEvent("Your Event Name");
CleverTapAPI.getDefaultInstance(this).pushEvent("Your Event Name")
You receive the list of CleverTapDisplayUnits via the registered callback for all active Native Display campaigns. Implement your logic to create Native Display views using these CleverTapDisplayUnits.
public void onDisplayUnitsLoaded(ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit> units) {
// you will get display units here
// implement your logic to create your display views using these Display Units here
for (int i = 0; i <units.size() ; i++) {
CleverTapDisplayUnit unit = units.get(i);
override fun onDisplayUnitsLoaded(units:ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit>) {
// you will get display units here
// implement your logic to create your display views using these Display Units here
for (i in 0 until units.size())
val unit = units.get(i)
Refer to our model classes CleverTapDisplayUnit and CleverTapDisplayUnitContent for creating the Native Display view.
* This model class holds the data of an individual Display Unit.
public class CleverTapDisplayUnit implements Parcelable {
* Display unit identifier
private String unitID;
* Display Type Could be (banner,carousel,custom key value etc.)
private CTDisplayUnitType type;
* Background Color
private String bgColor;
* List of Display Content Items
private ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnitContent> contents;
* Custom Key Value Pairs
private HashMap<String, String> customExtras;
* Getter for the unitId of the Display Unit
* @return String
public String getUnitID() {
return unitID;
* Getter for the Key Value pairs of the Display Unit
* @return HashMap<String, String>
public HashMap<String, String> getCustomExtras() {
return customExtras;
* Getter for the hex-value background color of the Display Unit e.g. #000000
* @return String
public String getBgColor() {
return bgColor;
* Getter for the DisplayUnitType of the Display Unit, Refer{@link CTDisplayUnitType}
* @return CTDisplayUnitType
public CTDisplayUnitType getType() {
return type;
* Getter for the list of Content Display Unit Items.
* @return ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnitContent>
public ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnitContent> getContents() {
return contents;
* Content class for holding Display Unit Content Data
public class CleverTapDisplayUnitContent implements Parcelable {
private String title;
private String titleColor;
private String message;
private String messageColor;
private String media;
private String contentType;
private String posterUrl;
private String actionUrl;
private String icon;
* Getter for the title section of the Display Unit Content
* @return String
public String getTitle() {
return title;
* Getter for the message section of the Display Unit Content
* @return String
public String getMessage() {
return message;
* Getter for the media URL of the Display Unit Content
* @return String
public String getMedia() {
return media;
* Getter for the action URL of the body of the Display Unit Content
* @return String
public String getActionUrl() {
return actionUrl;
* Getter for the URL as String for the icon in case of Icon Message template
* @return String
public String getIcon() {
return icon;
* Getter for the hex-code value of the title color e.g. #000000
* @return String
public String getTitleColor() {
return titleColor;
* Getter for the hex-code value of the message color e.g. #000000
* @return String
public String getMessageColor() {
return messageColor;
* Getter for the URL for the thumbnail of the video
* @return String
public String getPosterUrl() {
return posterUrl;
* Getter for the content type of the media(image/gif/audio/video etc.)
* Refer{@link #mediaIsImage()}, {@link #mediaIsGIF()},
* {@link #mediaIsAudio()} ,{@link #mediaIsVideo()}
* @return String
public String getContentType() {
return contentType;
* Method to check whether media in the {@link CleverTapDisplayUnitContent} object is an image.
* @return boolean - | true, if the media type is image
* | false, if the media type is not an image
public boolean mediaIsImage() {
return contentType != null && != null && contentType.startsWith("image") && !contentType.equals("image/gif");
* Method to check whether media in the {@link CleverTapDisplayUnitContent} object is a GIF.
* @return boolean - | true, if the media type is GIF
* | false, if the media type is not a GIF
public boolean mediaIsGIF() {
return contentType != null && != null && contentType.equals("image/gif");
* Method to check whether media in the {@link CleverTapDisplayUnitContent} object is a video.
* @return boolean - | true, if the media type is video
* | false, if the media type is not a video
public boolean mediaIsVideo() {
return contentType != null && != null && contentType.startsWith("video");
* Method to check whether media in the {@link CleverTapDisplayUnitContent} object is an audio.
* @return boolean - | true, if the media type is audio
* | false, if the media type is not an audio
public boolean mediaIsAudio() {
return contentType != null && != null && contentType.startsWith("audio");
We have also provided a few utility methods to get Adunits corresponding to the last event raised.
* Getter for retrieving all the Display Units.
* @return ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit> - could be null, if there is no Display Unit campaigns
public ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit> getAllDisplayUnits();
* Getter for retrieving Display Unit using the unitID
* @param unitID - unitID of the Display Unit {@link CleverTapDisplayUnit#getUnitID()}
* @return CleverTapDisplayUnit - could be null, if there is no Display Unit campaign with the identifier
public CleverTapDisplayUnit getDisplayUnitForId(String unitID);
Raise Events for Tracking
You can raise the following events for tracking:
Notification Viewed Event
You can raise the Notification Viewed event using the pushDisplayUnitViewedEventForID
method whenever the user sees the Native Display. You must provide the unitID of the CleverTapDisplayUnit corresponding to the Native Display.
Notification Clicked Event
You can raise the Notification Clicked event using the pushDisplayUnitClickedEventForID
method whenever the user clicks the Native Display. You must provide the unitID of the CleverTapDisplayUnit corresponding to the Native Display.
Custom Handling
The events that you raise are accepted automatically by the CleverTap dashboard.
For example, you have implemented the Native Display using RecyclerView, and you raise a Notification Viewed event whenever the Native Display appears on the browser's viewport. If the users scroll through the app multiple times, multiple Notification Viewed events are raised.In this case, you might not want to raise multiple events. You can handle this scenario using the android framework callbacks.
Get Native Display Units using Send Test
The CleverTapDisplayUnit is delivered via a Push notification in the Send Test flow. As soon we receive the notification, we parse the notification payload containing the CleverTapDisplayUnit and keep them in memory.
You can get the CleverTapDisplayUnit payload by either of the following methods:
Method 1: By getting all the Display Units
Method 2: Register the DisplayUnitListener in the Application Class
You will receive the CleverTapDisplayUnit.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyApplication extends Application implements DisplayUnitListener {
public void onCreate(){
public void onDisplayUnitsLoaded(ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit> units) {
// you will get send test display units here
import java.util.ArrayList
class MyApplication:Application(), DisplayUnitListener {
fun onCreate() {
override fun onDisplayUnitsLoaded(units:ArrayList<CleverTapDisplayUnit>) {
// you will get send test display units here
Updated over 1 year ago