Web Pop-ups & Exit Intent

Learn about the basic configurations for Web Pop-ups

Web Pop-ups

A CleverTap web pop-up is a modal, alert-type message view displayed by CleverTap on your desktop or mobile website.

CleverTap Web Pop-ups

CleverTap Web Pop-ups

CleverTap web pop-ups come in two types:

  • Simple web pop-up notifications: You can use these templates to create your notifications, including a box, banner, interstitial, and image only.
  • Exit intent notifications: These notifications are displayed before the user exits your site. These are only available for desktops.

User clicks on a web notification can be silent, open a URL, or invoke a JavaScript function. Custom key-value pairs can also be passed to the invoked JavaScript function. You may also include a pre-set or custom image to be displayed in the notification.

Adding Close Buttons to Web Pop-ups

You can add a close button to your web pop-up by using the following:


<div class="btn">CLOSE</div>
var btn = document.querySelector('.btn');
var wrapper = window.parent.document.getElementById('wizParDiv0');
btn.addEventListener('click', closePopUp);
function closePopUp() { 
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0); 


<div class="btn">CLOSE</div>
var btn = document.querySelector('.btn');
var wrapper = window.parent.document.getElementById('wizParDiv2');
btn.addEventListener('click', closePopUp);
function closePopUp() { 
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0);


<div class="btn">CLOSE</div>
var btn = document.querySelector('.btn');
var overlay = window.parent.document.getElementById('intentOpacityDiv');
var wrapper = window.parent.document.getElementById('intentPreview');
btn.addEventListener('click', closePopUp);
function closePopUp() { 
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 0); 

Define a Custom Callback

Using the custom callback, you can control the look, feel, and location of the web pop-up which you create in your CleverTap dashboard.

You need to explicitly call clevertap.renderNotificationViewed(); and clevertap.renderNotificationClicked(); to ensure that notification views and clicks are tracked in your CleverTap dashboard.

To define the callback and raise the clicked and viewed events, you need to add the following snippet to the embed code:

let customNotificationPayload = {
    msgId: string; // required
    pivotId?: string; // optional - String value containing an A/B testing campaign's variant name.

clevertap.notificationCallback = function(msg){
      //raise the notification viewed and clicked events in the callback
      console.log(JSON.stringify(msg));            //your custom rendering implementation here
      var $button = jQuery("<button></button>");   //element on whose click you want to raise the notification clicked event

The message will be in the following format:

  • msgId consists of campaign ID and date stamp separated by an underscore.
  • kv contains the custom key-value pairs.
  "msgContent": {
     "html": "<Your HTML goes here/>",
     "type": 1,
     "templateType": "banner",  //templateType can also be box/interstitial
     "title": "Title goes here",
     "description": "Description goes here",
     "kv": {
         "key1": "value1",
         "key2": "value2"
   "msgId": "campaignId_date" //1630318544_20211004
       "msgContent":  {
            "html": "<Your HTML goes here/>",
            "type": 1,
            "templateType": "banner"  //templateType can also be box/interstitial
        "msgId": "campaignId_date"  //1630318544_20211004

Raising a Notification Clicked Event for Custom HTML Pop-ups

You can raise Notification Clicked events for custom HTML-based Pop-ups for versions 1.1.0 and above.
To raise this event, follow the steps below:

  1. Add a <script>tag to your web pop-up code, assign the popupCallback variable to a function, and save the notification object passed to it by the SDK.
var notificationObj;
window.parent.clevertap.popupCallback = (notificationData) => {
    notificationObj = notificationData;
  1. For onclick event handler functions, call the raisePopupNotificationClicked function with the notification object stored in Step 1.
function submit_pressed() {

Custom HTML Click Tracking

The user must select the Enable click tracking for Custom HTML flag when creating a campaign from the CleverTap dashboard.

To track only selective buttons or anchor tags, set the Enable click tracking for Custom HTML flag
to false and manually add the wzrk_c2a attribute on the required buttons/anchor tags to track clicks. For example, <button wzrk_c2a>Click Me</button> will start tracking the Click Me button.


Enable Click Tracking for Custom HTML

Dismiss Spam Control

The 'dismissSpamControl’ is a spam control flag that is set to false by default by the Web SDK. It restricts repeat notifications to users after the user closes a Web Pop-up or Web Exit Intent notification.

You can set this flag to true to override this behavior. The Web Pop-up or Web Exit Intent is triggered even if the notification is closed by the user.

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