Get Content Block List

Learn how to use the Get Content Block List API.


This endpoint gives you a list of all available Content Blocks based on the query. For example, you can define the list by number of pages required, by the person who created the blocks, and so on.

Base URL

Here is an example base URL from the account in the India region:



Refer Region for more details.

HTTP Method



Refer Headers for more details.

Request Parameters

createdAtFromStringSpecifies the starting date and time for the creation of content blocks. Only content blocks created on or after this date will be included in the results. The date and time must be in ISO 8601 format, that is, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ.2024-03-10T08:15:00.000ZYes
createdAtToStringSpecifies the ending date and time for the creation of content blocks. Only content blocks created on or before this date will be included in the results. The date and time must be in ISO 8601 format, that is, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ.2024-03-18T22:30:00.000ZYes
updatedFromStringSpecifies the starting date and time for the last update to the content blocks. Only content blocks updated on or after this date will be included in the results. The date and time must be in ISO 8601 format, that is, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ.2024-04-01T12:00:00.000ZYes
updatedToStringSpecifies the ending date and time for the last update to the content blocks. Only content blocks updated on or before this date will be included in the results. The date and time must be in ISO 8601 format, that is, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ.2024-04-05T19:45:00.000ZYes
pageNumberNumberSpecifies which page of results to retrieve when results are paginated. The default value is 1, which represents the first page of the results. If there are multiple pages, this parameter specifies which page to display.2Yes
pageSizeNumberSpecifies the number of content blocks to display per page in a paginated response. The default value is 20, and the maximum is 100. This helps control the volume of data in each response.33Yes

Example Request

Here is an example cURL request to the Get Content Content Blocks List API.

curl --location --request GET 'https://(region)' \
--header 'X-CleverTap-Account-Id: WRK-485-456Z' \
--header 'X-CleverTap-Passcode: d23fae0ff9324f2aa071ac87a50abcfd' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response

  "contentBlocks": [
      "id": 123,
      "name": "Welcome Email",
      "type" :"html",
      "content": "<html>\n <head></head>\n <body>\n  <p>Hello Good Morning!</p>\n </body>\n</html>",
      "createdBy": "",
      "createdAt": "2024-02-01T06:29:48.965Z",
      "updatedBy": "",
      "updatedAt": "2024-03-01T06:29:48.965Z"
      "id": 1234,
      "name": "Welcome Email",
      "type" :"text",
       "content": "Hello {{ | default: \"name\" }}, Good Morning!",
      "createdBy": "",
      "createdAt": "2024-02-01T06:29:48.965Z",
      "updatedBy": "",
      "updatedAt": "2024-03-01T06:29:48.965Z"
    // ... more templates
  "total": 222,
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "pageSize": 20,
  "status": "success"

Expected errors

Response CodeResponse Error
403Content Blocks isn’t enabled on your account. Contact Support to access Content Blocks.
400The minimum page size is 1, and the maximum page size is 100.
400The page number can only be a positive number.
400Enter the date in ISO format. For example, 2020-24-12T11:45:50:965Z.
200There are no content blocks matching your search.
200Content block response.
500The request couldn’t be processed due to a system error. Try again.


To understand the common queries and concerns related to CleverTap APIs, refer to API FAQs.